Miniature Hobby Gaming

Oh! It's like an addiction!

Berlin 1945 Terrain

I’ve been working on terrain for playing 1945 scenarios in Berlin, with buildings/ruins that will be compatible with both 15mm and 20mm gaming. Lately, I’ve been putting together some models for it, both ones I’ve had sitting around for a long time, and ones I’ve recently purchased. Here are just two of them.

Severely damaged railway platform, to which I’ll be adding a NOVUS Design Stalingrad rail station that I should be receiving in the mail soon. I thought the
“rust” effect came out really well. I damaged it just enough to make it look realistic without making it a complete wreck. It’s an old Kibri kit that holds up well. It can still be found at various online retailers, such as this one:

The other piece of new terrain is a bridge, which unlike the train station platform, I built pretty much as the directions instructed, though I did have to design and build the ramp from leftover pieces and/or pieces they include for people to use as intended for making alterations. It’s a cardstock model from a UK company, Metcalfe Models, which specializes in such things (, but you’d never know to look at it. They make their kits in N scale and OO/HO.

This will add to my other terrain for Berlin, which includes many buildings, including the Brandenburg Gate and the now under-construction Reichstag!

What are Americans doing there? It must be 1946!

A long way to go yet with the Reichstag….!

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About Me

I’ve been painting miniature figures since I was young, and playing games with them for most of that time. You’ll learn a little bit about me over time as you read my posts, if you visit this site from time to time.
